Don’t Waste Your Opportunity

For most of us, our biggest sin is taking things for granted.

I’m as guilty as anyone else: I wake up and rush into online work or reading, forgetting to appreciate what a miracle this new day is. I’m alive! I’ve been given another amazing day, full of opportunities, and that is truly breath-taking.

I’m human, with a body and a conscious mind … and what an opportunity that is! We take this for granted, but if someone came up to you and said, “Hey, I can give you the power to make 10 people’s lives better every day of your life” and they could prove beyond a doubt they’re telling the truth … would we just pass this opportunity up without thought, and go to our favorite online social network to see what updates we’ve missed? That would be a huge missed opportunity, and that’s exactly what we’re doing each day we pass up the opportunity of being human without thought.

What kind of opportunities does being human bring us?

How about the opportunity to experience the wonders of the world, each moment bringing with it an overwhelming amount of experience that we can soak up?

How about the opportunity to investigate, explore, learn, discover, invent, create, inform, play, imagine, and build?

How about the opportunity to connect deeply with another human?

How about the opportunity to care, to lessen the suffering of others, to not participate in the suffering of animals, to make lives better?

How about the opportunity to practice mindfulness and appreciate all that’s in front of us?

How about the opportunity to create your own opportunities, ones that I can’t imagine?

What does this moment offer you that you are passing by without thought?

Are you willing to make the most of the opportunities of this moment, of being human? (Thank you,Leo Babauta)

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My Favorites August 2015: Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently

My monthly    “My Favorites”    routine includes posting links to great content I ran across, to encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting for helping you to live a meaningful life.  Enjoy!


Why Do We Search For More in Our Lives?

People often come to see me when they are in their 30s or 40s and say, I have done what was expected of me and had a career doing the right thing, now I want to do something else. Something that makes me feel whole/complete. Something that brings me joy and fulfilment and helps me fulfil a personal quest. But, I’m not sure what my purpose is.

Interesting article by Hemla Makan-Dullabh.  Read it here




The moderation glitch

More doesn’t scale forever. Why are we so bad at engaging with this obvious truth? Seth Godin, continue reading




Sadhguru: Stop Being Dead Serious About Life



Want to Succeed? Let Go
By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try, the world is beyond the winning.~Lao Tsu. Guest post by John Freund



Integrity: What’s Up With That?

What do you mean when you think of integrity? Like trust, integrity is something we all talk about, meaning many different things, but always assuming that everyone else means just what we do.  That leads to some vagueness and confusion. But a careful examination of how we use the words in common language is useful. Charles H. Green


Smile, breathe, and go slowly!

Dieter Langenecker


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The No. 1 secret to fulfilling life

Think about the words: work, career, mission.

Do you notice a difference when you read them? Does each word feel different to you?

To most people, the word “work” implies that it’s something hard, something you have to do. If you work all day long, you probably don’t enjoy it very much or find it very fulfilling.

Career implies you’re doing it for something larger; it has a bigger meaning. You’ll devote more energy to it since it’s building towards a greater purpose.

But somebody who has a mission, they don’t even do it for the money, they do it because it’s what they’re made for. For them, it’s not work at all; it serves a higher purpose.

Today, most people spend more time at work than they do with their family. The most sacred gift that you can give, besides your love, is your labor.

What’s the secret to breaking through in this area? Find something that you’re here to play for that’s more than just yourself.

Remember – Motive does matter!  (Thank you, Tony Robbins)

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