Thank You!

First, I’d like to thank you all for your comments to the question ” Does spirituality have a place in business?” – for me it was a real inspiring experience!

While most agreed upon the need of spirituality in business (if it is not religious), there were actually only few “real life” examples given. Which leads me to the question: what exactly does it mean to you to life spiritually, both in business as well as in private life, what do you do differently in your day-to-day activities? 

Comment here and/or – if you are on LinkedIn – in one of your groups (or join Personal Leadership on LinkedIn). Alternatively choose from among your favorite social media.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


A Messy Process – Inspirational Thought for the Weekend

Evolution is a messy process. So anybody who really wants to make the effort to strive for something new is going to have to be willing to make mistakes, take wrong turns, even to fail, but never give up. The simple truth is this: if not failing is more important to you than genuinely succeeding, you’re never going to make it. If you really want to succeed, you have to have the big heart, heroic will, tenacity, courage, and commitment to fearlessly engage with the evolutionary process until something profound, mysterious, and extraordinary happens that cannot be undone.

Andrew Cohen