Inspirational Wisdom

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.

George Horace Lorimer

22 Ways to Become Spectacularly Inspirational

1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.

2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.

3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.

4. Don’t worry about getting the credit for getting things done.

5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

6. Take your health to a level called superfit.

7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.

8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.

9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.

10. Run your own race. “No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a conformist,” wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty

11. Do something small yet scary every single day.

12. Lead Without a Title.

13. Focus on people’s strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.

14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your best.

15. Smile more.

16. Listen more.

17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.

18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: “Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”

19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.

20. Say “please” and “thank you”.

21. Love your loved ones.

22. Do work that matters.

By Robin Sharma, author of the #1 bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”

True Wisdom

It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.

A. de Saint Exupery

Inspirational Wisdom

“A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” -Unknown

Never underestimate your ability to transform hardship into growth and loss into gain. Today, if you feel stressed, take a deep breath and remember: the way you handle it shapes both today and tomorrow.


On Stresses

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Experts estimate that 70 percent of our illnesses are related to stress. Since conflict is inevitable, we have two choices: allow stress to consume and control us, or find ways to navigate stressful situations with a sense of inner calm.

If you’re dealing with a particularly stressful situation, you may find one of these tips helpful.

– Use a deep breathing technique, like ujayii, to soothe yourself and seep into the present moment.

– Metaphorically release it. Write down all your stresses and toss the paper into your fireplace.

– Take a sauna break. Studies reveal that people who go to sauna at least twice a week for 10-30 minutes are less stressed after work than others with similar jobs who don’t.

– Organize your desk. According to Georgia Witkin, assistant director of psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, completing a small task increases your sense of control and decreases your stress level.

– Laugh it out. Research shows that laughter soothes tension, improves your immune system, and even eases pain. If you can’t relax for long, start with just ten minutes watching a funny video on YouTube.

– Use it up. Make two lists: one with the root causes of your stress, and one with actions to address them. As you complete these tasks, visualize yourself utilizing and depleting your “stress supply.”


Do we need more knowledge?

I’m not certain what the definition of wisdom is without looking it up but in my mind it’s the understanding of knowledge acquired and being able to apply that knowledge to practical everyday life for the betterment of humankind.
Eric Overton