On Perfect Plans

“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” -Proverb

Tomorrow always seems like a safe bet for action. Then you’ll be ready to get started, or get serious, or get over it, or get on with it. Tomorrow you’ll finally sett your plan in motion instead of shaping it into something just right. You’ll take the offer, the plunge, or the road less taken tomorrow–when you feel sure.

Tomorrow can become a moving target while todays pile up and expire.

Sometimes we need to be patient, but oftentimes we use it as an excuse to wait for something that will likely never come. Today is our chance to act. We might not always know precisely what to do, but we can trust that we’ll figure out as we go if only we get started.

Of course that comes down to whether or not we’re willing to trust in our abilities. What do you need to start today, and if you don’t trust in yourself, what can you do to change that?


Experience the Benefits of Meditation

“Silence is a source of great strength.” (Lao Tzu)

The dates for next Live Online Video Meditations Sessions (Zen) are
in March 2011:
Sunday, March 27th, 2011 at 17.00/05.00 pm GMT
Thursday, March 31st, 2011 at 19.00/07.00 pm GMT,
in April 2011:
every Wednesday at 19.00/07.00 pm GMT
every Sunday at 17.00/05.00 om GMT

The date for the next Live Online Video INTRODUCTION Meditation (Zen) is
April 3rd, 2011, at 16.00/04.00 pm GMT

Check your local time here:    Time Zone Converter

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On Letting Go of Pressure

“The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.” -Mark Messier

There are a lot of things we can’t control in life–dramas that will unfold around us, circumstances that will seem overwhelming, fires that appear impossible to put out. We can’t ever stay on top of everything, but it gets a lot easier if we remember to breathe and take it all one step at a time.

We don’t need to solve everything right now. We don’t need to take responsibility for fixing everyone’s problems. We also don’t need to have all the answers. We just need to do what we can and then let ourselves recharge until it’s time to do again.

What do you need to do today, and when will you let yourself recharge?


40 Ways to Give Yourself a Break

“Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.” ~Lao Tzu

It’s common among overachiever types: we like to push ourselves.

Sometimes it’s to get from A to B. Sometimes it’s to create the illusion of change when in all reality you’re just spinning your wheels. Sometimes it’s simply to avoid standing still and accepting the moment as is.

All that pushing can feel so smart and productive until you’re exhausted, dehydrated, overextended, overwhelmed, or otherwise ready to snap. I’ve been in all those spots—and not just way back when, in a time when I was some completely different person.

There are still days when my instinct is to push myself to the limits for reasons I may or may not fully understand in the moment. I suspect we all do this from time to time: spread ourselves way too thin while trying to expand our world only to realize there’s only so far we can stretch.

I know there’s only so much my body, mind, and spirit can take, so I try to learn from these days as I go. Since I haven’t yet discovered the secret formula for complete balance, I’ve come up with a few simple ways to give myself a break when I’ve been pushing myself too hard.

If you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, or even digitally exhausted, these tips may help: 40 Ways to Give Yourself a Break