Great stuff I found recently: Yourself, Gates&Buddha, Leaders&Doors, The Shift

Hope you’re doing well and are set for the weekend. It’s lovely weather here – I feel a relaxing Saturday coming on… Have a great weekend, Enjoy! (And do let me know about any comment or question you might have).


Know Yourself. Wait, what does that even mean?
If “know yourself” strikes you as squishy, soft, fuzzy, left coast suburban buddhist hippie-talk homilies – like it used to strike me – then let me break it down and toughen it up for you.
Because when you get it, it’s a lot tougher than the analytical subject-mastery behavioral neuro-babble that is too often celebrated in business today.


What The Buddha Might Say To Bill Gates
The generosity Gates is sharing is not the stuff many rich people are made of.

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.- Buddha 


Leaders Open Doors
Bill Treasurer’s new book Leaders Open Doors is exactly what the subtitle suggests: a radically simple leadership approach that I certainly can image would lift people, profits, and performance in any organization.

Leaders Open Doors


Dr Wayne Dyer ~ “The Shift “
In a nutshell: must watch.


Smile, breathe and go slowly,

Dieter Langenecker

 Dieter Langenecker


From Ambition to Meaning:




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Ask Dieter September 2013

Listen to this month’s Ask Dieter; simply click on the image (the podcast slideshow is best viewed in full page mode):


Or read the transcript:

This month’s question from my portal “Ask Dieter: Directions
for living a meaningful Life”
 comes from Christopher in Zurich, Switzerland.




In one of your previous answers here you were writing about the question “Is this everything life has to offer?”. I’m 49 years old and what you might call a “successful” person. And even so this is exactly the question I keep asking myself over and ober again.

I would like to find a path which goes beyond the material success, which is more spiritual. But everything seems to lead to a religious structure. So could you please tell me what is your definition of (the difference between) religion and spirituality, and how to get started with the later one. Thank you and best regards!



Hello Christopher!

Thank you very much for your question(s)!
My definition (and there are hundreds if not thousands out there, just google it or look at wikipedia com :-); and at the end of the day you will have to find your own ), my definition of (the difference between) religion and spiriuatlity is two-fold:
1st) Both aim to explore the ultimate questions of mankind: “Who are we?”, “Why are we here”, and “How to live in harmony”, going beyond the physical appearances and what science can explain (for the time being).
2nd) very simply: spirituality is religion without a God
As to how to get started on a spiritual path:
In the initial phase, do not worry about whether you are moving ahead or backwards because your logical judgments will be very misleading. When you sit for your meditation (which is the “tool”  or practicing field for a spiritual way of life), your legs will tell you that you are going backwards, and your family will also probably tell you to stop this nonsense. So in the initial phase, do not judge anything. It is always best to start a spiritual process with an unconditional commitment for a certain period of time. No benefit needs to happen to you. Just simply do the practice out of commitment for six months. After that, evaluate your life and see how peaceful, joyous and calm you are. What is it doing with you?
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any follow-up question!
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
With kind regards

Dieter Langenecker
Dieter Langenecker

PS: You can find an explanation of the different meditation approaches at

“Ask Dieter: Directions for living a meaningful Life” is a monthly no-cost
program that is open to everyone! Each month, I’ll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “Ask Dieter” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that in answering your questions I may provide you with wisdom inspirations that in committed application will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at:

Sign up for the free Dieter Langenecker Mentoring Solutions (+ Bonus)


Great stuff I found recently: Judge, Ego/Self, Money

Time to take a short break! Food for Thought; best to be consumed with coffee or tea. Enjoy! (And do let me know about any comment or question you might have. I’ll answer within 24 hrs; usually).

Becoming a Better Judge of People 

In business and in life, the most critical choices we make relate to people. Yet being a good judge of people is difficult. How do we get better at sizing up first impressions?
Find the answer here: Becoming a Better Judge of People


Listening to Your Ego, or Your True Self?
For most people, ego becomes an issue only when someone has too much of it and is considered egotistical – and even then, a big ego is often equated with drive and success. In many spiritual traditions the ego is seen as the false self. There are many reasons for this.


Money Matters
…there is nothing right or wrong about money…It is just that if money does not stay in your pockets and goes into your head, misery will come.

Smile, breathe and go slowly,

Dieter Langenecker

 Dieter Langenecker


The yardstick of success is not measured by fame and wealth;
it is measured by your level of understanding of who you are,  
why you are here and where are you going from here. (Tulshi Sen)


Sign up for the free Dieter Langenecker Mentoring Solutions (+ Bonus)