Interesting stuff I’ve found recently

Ah, another week gone by, so quickly. Well, here’s a little sustenance with your morning coffee. Let me know how you like it.

One of our endearing human qualities is that we are great rationalizers. If something is not going our way, we can explain why things are really different than they appear and things are OK – no matter what the reality. This propensity creates challenges, for it glosses over our true experiences, and we are then prone to having the same problems plague us over and over again.

What’s the difference between cheating and innovation?  In
Appropriate Cheating in the Nine Dot Problem, the inimitable Seth Godin says, not as much as you think. You won’t believe how many solutions there are to the draw-a-line-through-the-nine-dots problem.
Some of the greatest sales wisdom looks remarkably like some of the greatest life wisdom. Coincidence? I think not.

Who wouldn’t want a higher level of emotional intelligence? Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadership talent, health, relationship satisfaction, humor, and happiness. It is also the best antidote to work stress and it matters in every job – because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with higher EQ are more rewarding to deal with.

If you want to see another wonderful performance by Miyoko Shida watch this (make sure you stay until the end!!):

Smile, breathe and go slowly,


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Ask Dieter July 2013

Listen to this month’s Ask Dieter; simply click on the image (the podcast slideshow is best viewed in full page mode):

Ask Dieter Podcast

Or read the transcript:

This month’s question from my portal  Ask Dieter comes from a young lady in India, who wants to remain anonymous.




I want to know my purpose in life. ,I don’t enjoy life as my life is having too many ups and downs, pls guide me. Thank you.



Hello my Dear!

Thank you very much for writing to me!
In my humble opinion you are asking THE question!
Most people don’t dare to ask this question because we have never learned to deal with it (besides in a material way); and in most cases something serious has to happen before we start thinking: “this can’t be everything, there must be more to life than just making a living or helping other to make more profits”;
It took me years to define my life purpose/mission, and it was an interesting, educational but also sometimes painful journey. And I came to the conclusion that in order to live a fulfilling life we need to live for something bigger than ourselves.
Now, how can you start to get a clearer picture of your life purpose?
There are 3 questions which can get you going:
1st: What are your talents, where are you (might be) very good?
2nd: What do you really enjoy doing, which not only benefits you but others as well?
3rd: What are the roadblocks in your life?
(These 3 questions are based on the “Hedgehog Principle”; you can read more about it here:
Also, instead of only trying to find answers intellectually you should meditate (in whatever form) on them; after all, deep down we all have our answers inside anyway, we just have to allow them to surface (you can find an explanation of the different meditation approaches at
And be patient, it is a journey with all its delays and detours. And it is a wonderful journey!
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you want me to be of further support to you.
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
With kind regards

Dieter Langenecker
Dieter Langenecker

PS: You might want to sign up for the free “Claim Your Life” online course, which deals with exactly this question; sign up at

“Ask Dieter: Directions for living a meaningful Life” is a monthly no-cost
program that is open to everyone! Each month, I’ll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “Ask Dieter” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that in answering your questions I may provide you with wisdom inspirations that in committed application will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at:

7 Reasons To Sign Up For Free LifeMentoring Tips 


Interesting stuff I’ve found recently

Interesting stuff I’ve found recently:


A young boy contemplates the meaning of life, free will, and the possible existence of alternate universes. Impressive!


Follow Your Bliss… Even When It’s Not Easy

Nine Things Diagnostic: The purpose Nine Things Diagnostic is to give you a better sense of how much you’ve used each strategy in the past when trying to reach your goals, and which areas you may want to pay particular attention to.


Which Comes First, Success or Fulfillment? 

Why You Don’t Have The Life You Want (Yet) 

Smile, breathe and go slowly,


7 Reasons To Sign Up For Free LifeMentoring Tips