My Favorites: Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently

My monthly “My Favorites”    routine includes posting links to great content I ran across, to encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. Enjoy!


Seth Gordon not only looks different, more importantly he also thinks differently


The generosity boomerang

Here’s conventional wisdom:

Success makes you happy. Happiness permits you to be generous.

In fact, it actually works like this:

Generosity makes you happy. Happy people are more likely to be successful.


It’s a compelling headline: Stop Trusting Yourself.  By Northeastern University psychologist David DeSteno, it’s featured in today’s NYTimes, and ostensibly shows that we mistakenly trust ourselves – that if anything, we mis-estimate our own trustworthiness more than that of others. Read this profound article by Charles H.Green


The Dreaded Curse of Comparison
Of all the lessons there are to learn in life, one stands out for me.  What is that lesson?  It’s learning to be myself. Read on.


Is Your Life A Super Highway or a Garden Path?

So many of us feel like our lives are a race – a dash. We are sprinting through the events of our lives to get them “all done.” We have amazing to-do lists; we are compelled to achieve and accomplish; society says this is how we get ahead. We pride ourselves on being so productive.

But what if, instead, the value of life were not in the dash and amount of things we do, but in the quality of life’s events – in the time we spend enjoying, connecting and becoming part of what we do? What if life were more like a garden path than a superhighway?



If you’re living in the northern hemisphere, and therefore – most likely/hopefully (you choose) – about to go on holidays, here are some book recommendations.

Smile, breathe, and go slowly!

Dieter Langenecker


PS: If you want to comment, ask a question or inquire how personal mentoring can help you to live a meaningful life visit


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The Best

It’s halftime whistle for 2014. And as always at this time of the year – the most inspiring, profound and interesting articles, videos, quotes, etc. I’ve found this year so far. Enjoy!

The future of our civilization is based on prudence, critical self reflection, belief in higher values, and wisdom in matters of ordinary, everyday life. It is not about grabbing as much as possible, as quickly as possible.     — Tyler Cowen, Economist


Life Lessons by Dr.Suneel Sethi
As we move from winters to spring and from spring to summers, I sit down to memorise the life lessons learnt during all the seasons of my life passed, to be used in the present and future .A recollection of these lessons I share with you here will provide you with a platform to start the journey of self development and improvement with me and some great ideas to ponder about. As you read along the list of suggestions and my life lessons, I hope you, too, would be on fire with focus, passion and outright excellence. Here are some of the life lessons I learnt during the various seasons of my life.


One World: Arianna Huffington on Viewing Life with a Wider Lens
So often in modern society, we look at success as being defined narrowly as attaining money and power. Particularly in the business world, there is a tendency to forget that there should be other measures of success including health, well-being, empathy and morality. These are the things that make up the Third Metric and there is a move by many in the business world to ensure that more emphasis is places on these things. Arianna Huffington is one business leader who is speaking passionately about this move.


Attraction are a Hungarian theatre group, with a unique act of creating pictures with shadows of their bodies. Hear we see them performing to the track “Read All About It” by Emeli Sande, in the first week of auditions of Britain’s Got Talent. A must watch!
Why can’t we do that?
The Orangutan and the Hound Dog
The Orangutan and the Hound Dog
Fear is the Root of Your Problems 

Every problem you or I have (and they are many, small and large), is rooted in fear. For some, that might seem obvious: the question is how to beat the fears. For others, it’s not so self-evident: why are my financial or relationship or procrastination problems caused by fear?  Let us tackle both questions – the Why and the How.

Let me know if you liked it!
Smile, breathe and go slowly!
Dieter Langenecker  
Dieter Langenecker
PS: If you want to know how to become a social entrepreneur or how to live a meaningful life in general get in touch with me 


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