Great stuff I’ve found recently: The Most Popular In 2013

Less than a week until this year is over. Time to reflect and look forward! The best of “Great Stuff I Have Found”. Enjoy!


Happier                                                                                                                             “You are one hundred and ten years old. A time machine has just been invented, and you are selected as one of the first people to use it. The inventor, a scientist from NASA, tells you that you will be transported back to the day when, as it happens, you first read Happier. You, with the wisdom of having lived and experienced life, have fifteen minutes to spend with your younger and less experienced self. What do you say when you meet? What advice do you give yourself?” ~ Tal Ben-Shahar from Happier

Follow Your Bliss… 


Money Matters
…there is nothing right or wrong about money…It is just that if money does not stay in your pockets and goes into your head, misery will come.                                                     Money Matters


9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People                                                               Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others.                                               Confidence is quiet: It is a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard.

How to Live Happily?
Addressing a group of students and faculty at the IIT campus in Chennai, India, Sadhguru answers a question on how to maintain joy and happiness regardless of the external circumstances.


What it Really Takes to Succeed


Steve Jobs explains the rules for success


Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloomington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that … well. see for yourself :-); another “must see”!


Pause                                                                                                                          Pausing allows you to take a beat – to take a breath in your life. As everybody else is rushing around like a lunatic out there, I dare you to do the opposite.                           Pause


Dr Wayne Dyer ~ “The Shift “
In a nutshell: must watch.


If you want to see another wonderful performance by Miyoko Shida watch this (make sure you stay until the end!!): 


To Know Yourself: Why It Matters


A Simple Change in Mindset Changes Everything
One of the best tricks I’ve learned to improve my likelihood of sticking to a habit is so simple it is sinful.


Another Steve Jobs gem 
Giving The Best Advice On Success And Failure: This YouTube video is making the rounds again and for good reason. It’s less than two minutes long and it encapsulates one of the best bits of advice Steve Jobs ever offered on how to succeed.


And, keep in mind:
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their
dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt


Smile, breathe, go slowly                                                                                                    and have a magnificent 2014!

  Dieter Langenecker

   Dieter Langenecker

PS: Finish strong, start strong:
Living Your Life In Meaningful Happiness
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Great Last Minute Gift – For Someone You Care (Which Includes Yourself)

Not sure what gift to buy?

I’d like to recommend you this book:

The inspirational #1 Bestseller by John P. Strelecky. Now translated into twenty-one languages and read by more than a million readers worldwide. In a small cafe at a location so remote it sits in the middle of the middle of nowhere, John–a man in a hurry–is at a crossroads. Intent only on refueling before moving along on his road trip, he finds sustenance of an entirely different kind. In addition to the specials of the day, the cafe menu lists three questions all diners are encourage to consider.

Why are you here?

Do you fear death?

Are you fulfilled?

With this food for thought and the guidance of three people he meets at the cafe, John embarks on a journey of self-discovery that takes him from the executive suites of the advertising world to the surf of Hawaii’s coastline. Along the way he discovers a new way to look at life, himself, and just how much you can learn from a green sea turtle.

(Bonus tip: also might make a great gift for yourself)

Enjoy the festive season!

Dieter Langenecker


PS: If you want to comment, ask a question or inquire how personal mentoring can help you to live a meaningful life visit


The yardstick of success is not measured by fame and wealth;
it is measured by your level of understanding of
who you are, why you are here
and where are you going from here. (Tulshi Sen)


And if you are based in the southern hemisphere:
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Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently

It is probably the most hectic time of the year (and the most commercialized one as well, for that matter). Slow down, you (most likely) move too fast. It is time to absorb some wisdom and put things in perspective. Enjoy!


The Material and the Spiritual                                                                                       How can you separate the material and the spiritual? What we need to change is not the content of our life.                                                                                                                We need to change the context of our life  

Working with the Obstacles in Your Path 
you should work with the obstacles instead of avoiding them – you learn from them.


A Simple Change in Mindset Changes Everything
One of the best tricks I’ve learned to improve my likelihood of sticking to a habit is so simple it is sinful.


Worst one ever
If you’re not willing to get your ‘worst one ever’ out of the way, how will you possibly do better than that?


Deepak Chopra: What is the Purpose of Life?

Smile, breathe and go slowly.

  Dieter Langenecker

   Dieter Langenecker

From Existing to Meaningful Living
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