Will it ever get better?

“The ego is a prison you have built around yourself,                                                                 and now it holds you captive within its walls”

Humans have a need to be social. We need to feel others respect us. We get our self worth based on how we perceive others perceive us. This causes us to interpret the world in a way which will not hurt our ego. We tend to look for things that rationalize our behaviors and make us feel good about ourselves. Many times that interpretation is wrong.

You are playing a game with the entire world. Sometimes it can be enjoyable and fun, but most of the time it’s hard and complicated. Your ego loves playing the game. It loves comparing itself to others to see who is winning. To see who has the most money. To see who has the most power. To see who is the best. To see who is happier. To see who is making the most out of their life. Every person you meet your ego is sizing them up. Deciding who is ahead in the game. But here is the catch. We may make the comparisons but we constantly feel we are losing…

We come into this world and we have agreed to so many things which are just not true. These agreements are making our lives much more complicated than they need to be. We have agreed because the majority have told us this is how it is. This is not how it is.

Living is not this tawdry, mediocre, disciplined thing which we call our existence. Living is something entirely different; it is abundantly rich, timelessly changing, and as long as we don’t understand that eternal movement, our lives are bound to have very little meaning.

Children look to parents and other authority figures for security in an unfamiliar world. This in turn causes neural pathways to develop in patterns similar to the parent or authority figure. This is why children for the most part develop the same beliefs as their parents. Most live out their entire life and never question beliefs accepted as a child.

For the most part your brain was wired when you were a child. You may think you have come to conclusions on your own, but your brain has been conditioned to see the world in such a way as to support conclusions that were given to you by your parents and society when you were very young. Did your childhood limit how you see the world?

As a child we live in a world of miracles and magic. As we become adults the world loses its astonishment as we interact more and more with the harshness of society and the miracles and magic begin to fade. It does not have to. In fact it should be the exact opposite. The magic should increase but we were not told as a child how to keep the magic alive.

Most have been taught incorrectly. They have been taught how to achieve. They have not been taught how to enjoy life.

The tendency is to believe that if the majority believes it, it must be true. When in fact the opposite is usually the case. Chances are you would have been one of the ones who believed the earth was flat :-).

What if you could look inside yourself and find the answer to any question you have ever had? Now wouldn’t that be a life changer? So what are you waiting for? Get in there.

Question Everything. Most of your beliefs were given to you by others. Until you begin questioning you are not living your own life. Be honest with yourself. Are you living the life you want to live? If you are like most you are living a life others have created for you.

One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is just take 15 minutes a day and concentrate on your breathing. Slow it down. Breathe in 1, 2, 3… Breathe out 1,2,3,4,5… You will be amazed at what happens.

And do let me know  any comments or questions you might have. Share them with me!

With kind regards,

Dieter Langenecker

Dieter Langenecker


The yardstick of success is not measured by fame and wealth;
it is measured by your level of understanding of who you are,
 why you are here and where are you going from here. 
                                                                 -Tulshi Sen


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Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently

5 weeks until the end of the year … time is rushing by. Take a couple of deep breaths, smile and – slow down (=recharge your batteries) for some minutes. You do deserve it, don’t you?!


To Know Yourself: Why It Matters                                                                           Wisdom has become a musty word even though it described the highest vision of life for many centuries. But the only real test must come in daily life. Someone who makes wise choices in life should wind up happier and more successful than someone who doesn’t. This test depends on knowing what wise choices are and what they aren’t.             Wisdom

It’s the problem, not the person 
Think back to a difficult situation you had to navigate at work. Were you able to distinguish the problem from the person?


Moving Deeply Into the Now
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be.


How to Live at Ease


“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” !
Dieter Langenecker


Dieter Langenecker


From Existing to Meaningful Living
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Ask Dieter November 2013

This month’s question from my portal Ask Dieter: Directions for living a meaningful Life comes from Peter in New York, USA.

What can I do, right now, that would be the most powerful use of this moment?

Hi Peter!

Thank you very much for your question!

Billy Joel was speaking at Vanderbilt University when a young student, Michael Pollack, raised his hand. When Joel called on him, Michael asked if he could play the piano to accompany the musician for a song. A silence followed. Michael had taken a big risk just by asking and you could feel the tension and suspense in the room. After a pause, Joel said “OK” and the video of their astounding spontaneous collaboration has now been viewed over 2.5 million times.

How often have you been in a similar situation, at one time or another, wanting to say something or do something, yet letting the moment pass by? Next time you’re in that situation, pay attention to it. Notice the feelings that come along with it. Observe the physical sensations in your body. Can you feel your heart beating? Can you connect with the conflicting urges to act and not to? Getting in touch with those feelings is the first step to acting in the face of them.

Your greatest opportunity is to use your time to take risks that will shake things up.

So, what can you do, right now, that would be the most powerful use of this moment?

Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any follow-up question!
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
With kind regards
  Dieter Langenecker
   Dieter Langenecker

“Being myself includes taking risks with myself, taking risks on new behavior, trying new ways of being myself, so that I can see how it is I want to be.”


Great stuff I’ve found recently: Confidence, Turbulance, Awareness, The Shift

Time for a break. Especially if you don’t have time for it. Enjoy some inspiration & wisdom!

9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People                                                               Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others.                                         Confidence is quiet: It is a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard.

6 Things To Do When You Encounter Turbulance 
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”  – Benjamin Franklin


Why Awareness Will Free Your Mind and Transform Your Heart
Awareness is a quality of being awake and present to the moment.


A movie being made by a movement.
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” !
Dieter Langenecker
Dieter Langenecker


From Existing to Meaningful Living
Sign up for a free LifeMastery session:


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The Most Powerful Video on Spirituality and Happiness

I consider Eckhart Tolle one of the most profound contemporary spiritual teachers ever since I have read his “The Power Of Now”.

(In case you haven’t heard about him yet:

“Eckhart is a spiritual teacher and author who was born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of 29, a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. Later, he began to work in London with individuals and small groups as a counselor and spiritual teacher. Since 1995 he has lived in Vancouver, Canada. Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time.”)

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violence on our planet.

In this rare video he is not giving a public lecture but rather is in a conversation with a young man. So get yourself a cup of coffee or tea (or better two, it is a 100 minutes video), make sure you are in a quiet environment, open your mind – and enjoy!

Eckhart Tolle

And do let me know  any comments or questions you might have. Share them with me!

With kind regards,

Dieter Langenecker

Dieter Langenecker


“Being myself includes taking risks with myself, taking risks on new behavior, trying new ways of being myself, so that I can see how it is I want to be.”



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