“Some pursue happiness, others create it.”

There’s a lot you can pursue and accomplish in life, but you don’t need to plant seeds for happiness. It’s not a destination. You simply need to let yourself blossom in this moment, exactly as you are.

Don’t get caught up thinking about how much further you might stretch tomorrow. You’ll get there soon enough.

In the meantime, choose to embrace where you are. Right now is full of possibilities. Right now is full of beauty. There may be some shadows in your day, but it’s your choice to either dwell there or create a little light.

How can you create and share happiness today?


The Calm After the Storm?

During summer 2010, we (Tom Peters Company) were sensing that among our clients that had survived the worst of the recession, the mood was becoming more buoyant. Our customer base tends to be more forward-thinking and adventurous than the norm, and is often a bellwether of new trends. We therefore decided to find out what this group was seeing ahead, and if there were lessons for other leaders.

Our recent survey involved a select group of clients located in 29 countries and 6 continents. Overall, we found they, particularly those in the private sector, are indeed ready to put the past behind them. One respondent summed it up this way: “We’ve been in survival mode and it has hurt our growth. We need to focus on the future and stop the survival mentality. But how?”

We used our Excellence Audit™ survey to identify the development priorities that participants now see as important. A sign that recovery is on the way was that the prior focus on cost and systems has been overshadowed by a realization that Leadership is now the key element for attention.

Managers in our sample realize that it is time to pay attention to the people that have brought them through the recession. “Now that the economy is on the up, we need to step back the pressure, to work on the experiences of clients and workers, and to use technology to help us to do that.”

According to our customers, leaders must devote attention to two action areas in our Excellence Audit, above all others.

Read the whole article at Tom Peters Group

Food for Thought

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still
I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

— Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer

Inspirational Wisdom

We are face to face with our destiny, and we must meet it with a high and resolute courage. For us is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.

Theodore Roosevelt

Your Personal Mentor

The boundaries and limitations that we may have set for ourselves are not as real as they seem. They are simply what we have been conditioned to believing. In these Online Wisdom & Personal Leadership Mentoring sessions, you will be stretched to go beyond all your ideas of what you thought was possible, and learn the art and science of creating real results.

You will learn ways to step outside of the confines of the limitations you have set, and into the realm beyond boundaries – both in your private life as well as in business.

Read the whole description and register at http://conta.cc/eaUHyH

With best regards,
