Our spirituality drives our entire direction in life, including our work life. Leaders that have a solid spiritual foundation tend to make the correct ethical choices at work and tend to take selfishness out of the equation.
Robert A. Marchello
Our spirituality drives our entire direction in life, including our work life. Leaders that have a solid spiritual foundation tend to make the correct ethical choices at work and tend to take selfishness out of the equation.
Robert A. Marchello
“There is no such thing as a weird human being. It’s just that some require more understanding than others. “
-Tom Robbins
The inspiring story of the Bamboo tree is much like Life itself – you have to have faith, belief and persistence. It also is a story of stability, structure, and maturity.
When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound, more clear and louder than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life. ~Dr John DeMartini, Philosopher from The Secret
Charlie Thistle has worked 20 years at the Department of Normality. One gray day fades into the next until one night he wrestles with the question, “Is this the way things were meant to be?”
No-Thought for the Day : Life is a verb. Life is not a noun, it is really “living” not “life.” It is not love, it is loving. It is not relationship, it is relating. It is not a song, it is singing. It is not a dance, it is dancing. See the difference, savor the difference. OSHO
Persian poet and philosopher Rumi wrote:
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
Remember that you have all that potential and greatness in you right in this moment. You have the capacity to feel passionate, motivated, challenged, inspired and impressed with your abilities. You have the power to feel alive.
It’s easy to forget how powerful you are when you get caught up in your struggles and mistakes. When you start stressing about what’s been or what might be coming and let your thoughts become shackles.
Make the conscious choice not to anchor yourself. Let go of whatever is holding you back and make the choice to fly. The only difference between you and someone who lives out loud is choice.
Where will you soar today?