Reminder: Chat on Spirituality

You are kindly invited to join the chat on “Spirituality”!

Share your thoughts, learn about different points of view, and get inspiring insights. The event will take place online on April 18th, 2010, 16.00/04.00 pm GMT.

Topics are:
Is there a place/need for spirituality in our lifes (private and business)?
What is your definition of Spirituality?
What ways are there to lead a spiritual life?
Are you meditating? What forms of meditation do you use/know/can you recommend, if any?
And any other related topic

Visit Zenecagate for information and registration.

I’m looking forward to talking with you!


Chat on Spirituality

I kindly invite you to join an informal chat on “Spirituality” on April 18th, 2010, 16.00/04.00 pm GMT

Possible topics:
Is there a place/need for spirituality in our lifes (private and business)? 
What ways are there to lead a spiritual life?
Are you meditating? What forms of meditation do you use/know/can you recommend, if any?

Technical notes:
– The event will take place via skype; you will receive instructions on how to download and get started with skype, if you are not a user yet
– Visit to see the starting time in your time-zone

Please visit for information and registration.

I’m looking forward to talking with you!


What do you think?

Following up on my previous question “Does spirituality have a place in business?”, do you think that Spirituality does have a place in one’s life? If not, why? And if so, what does it mean to you?

(You can also follow this discussion at LinkedIn (or in any other LinkedIn group you are member of), as well as at Facebook.)

Free informal Webinar “Meditation, Spirituality & Leadership”

What do YOU think I need to say about “Meditation, Spirituality & Leadership”?

Thank you for all the suggestions you made about future events you’d like to see.

Are you ready to help me make my next program better?

“Part of the problem is that everyone is in such a hurry. People haven’t found meaning in their lives, so they’re running all the time looking for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running. ….. So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. “ (From: Tuesdays with Morrie)

Perhaps our study of leadership has caused us to focus too much energy on the mechanisms instead of the essence – the sunset data rather than the joy, beauty, and experience of the sunset.

But, “the significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” (Attributed to Albert Einstein)

So maybe we have to use a completely different approach. And what could it be? A program on Meditation, Spirituality & Leadership?

What? You haven’t heard of this program? I’m not surprised. Because it hasn’t been publicized yet! And believe it or not, that’s even better news. Why? Because you, my blog readers, will get to give your input before you and anyone else will be able to participate. You’ll get a chance to tell me what you think it should include; which topics should be covered; which questions addressed. And if you give me your input, you’ll receive a “Thank-You!” gift!

Here’s the plan. There will a brainstorming webinar on December 6th, 7th or 8th, 2009 (you decide the date and time). I’ll encourage you to give me your feedback and comments at this event. You’ll be able to tell me exactly what you want to be included, in which format, when, and at what time schedule. I’ll make changes based on the feedback that will add value to the program. And I’ll quote you in the future program invitation.

The first step? Watch this short trailer (1,30 Min.)

And if you can’t make it to the webinar leave your suggestions here at this blog.

Workshop Meditation, Spirituality & Leadership

“In our culture, managers think that a fast decision is what counts. If the situation is new, slowing down is necessary. Slow down. Observe. Position yourself. Then act fast and with a natural flow that comes from the inner knowing. You have to slow down long enough to really see what’s needed. With a freshness of vision, you have the possibility of a freshness of action, and the overall response on a collective level can be much quicker than trying to implement hasty decisions that aren’t compelling to people.” (Otto Scharmer)

4 days retreat “Spirituality & Leadership, Introduction to Meditation”, Lake Constance, Switzerland, Jan 6th – 10th, 2010. Visit for more information