Author Archives: DieterL
My Favorites: Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently
Getting started, again
We started off the year with high hopes. We were going to find love! Start new jobs! Let go of old hurts! Now it’s time to do an evaluation.
Are you any closer? Do you have the sort of realistic conversations with yourself that are going to stop you from repeating the same old, same old? Or are you still back in 2013? Here are some ideas to help you get back on track.
How to be a time warrior
Choosing to be a time warrior gives you ways to leave linear modes of time management behind. It frees you up to enjoy going non-linear.
What Are You Hiding?
5 Actions for Creating Openness; by Mick Ukleja
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
Empty your cup
My Favorites: Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently
My monthly “My Favorites” routine includes posting links to great content I ran across, to encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. Enjoy!
Reflection is a two way street The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.”But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? Use these 5 questions to guide your journey.
Letting Go of Judging People And incidentally, you will be a lot happier in the process
Make Your Work More Meaningful Since you have the ability to determine how you think about and respond to the conditions you experience, you do have control over the meaning you derive from work. Harvard Business Review
A Personal Challenge, do you have the guts to be honest with yourself? As I’ve gotten older, I find I’m more patient with people when they have good intentions and less patient with people when they don’t. I think it comes from doing my best and accepting my own flaws, and then being able to accept others more easily because of that. What’s a long term change you’ve realized about yourself?
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
-Ursula K LeGuin
Redefining Success
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
My Favorites: Great Stuff I’ve Found Recently
My monthly “My Favorites” routine includes posting links to great content I ran across, to encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. Enjoy!
If You Could Do Life Over… When the top 5 regrets of the dying were listed, the number one was, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself; not the life others expected of me.” Here Are 7 Ways to Make It Right
“But what if I fail?” You will. And then? (by Seth Godin)
The Flexible Mind Leo Babauta – at his best
The Mechanics of Human Suffering “You don’t have a mind of your own. Please look at it carefully. What you call as “my mind” is just society’s garbage bin.” Sadhguru looks at the mechanics and cause of human suffering, and provides a tool to move out of the “garbage bin” our mind is.
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!
-Ursula K LeGuin
Who’s helping you?
I spent today with my mastermind group .
Actually, it’s one of three mastermind groups I’m in.
I’m in one small group with a handful of other mentors that meets via skype every week to bounce around ideas and share experiences. We also meet up for a full day every now and then: this time to grill each other on our plans for next months to come.
I’m in another small group of professional speakers that meets face to face quarterly to help each other with the speaking side of our businesses.
And I’m in a big group of folks who do a lot of stuff online who meet virtually every month to discuss online strategies and to partner with each other on promotions if appropriate.
Each of those groups contributes something different to my business. Today’s session put my plan for 2014 through the wringer and helped me with priorities. Tomorrow I’ll be listening to a recording of the online group call I missed because I always get a lot of insight from hearing what’s working and what’s not for the other folks in the group.
And they all provide camaraderie and friendship too. Rather important for anyone.
Have you got something similar for your?
Three groups might be a bit over the top. But I promise you, a regular mastermind group will work wonders for you.
If you’re not part of one, why not set one up yourself? Google “mastermind group” to see how they work and speak to a handful of people who you think have complementary skills and experience to yours.
It could be the best thing you do for your in 2014.
Apart from joining Personal Mentoring, of course 😉
Smile, breathe, and go slowly!