There Are Two Great Days In A Person's Life -
              The Day We Are Born And ...
                               The Day We Discover Why
 Live A Meaningful 
And Fulfilling Life You Love


There Are Two Great Days

In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

 Live A Meaningful 

And Fulfilling Life You Love


Dieter Langenecker 
Modern Elder 
Humanistic Counselor

There Are Two Great Days 
In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

      Live A Life You Love

Personal Counseling


Most of the time, the crises we face are personal - playing out in the realm of our love, work, family and social lives. Then there are times when we face crises that are national or global in scope: affecting not one person, but all peoples. Times when the world around us seems suddenly unstable, and our species is united in anxiety.

During such times, maintaining a sense of calm can seem harder than ever. Yet simultaneously, the task has never been so vital. In testing times, each of us should give ourselves the time and space to practice strategies for serenity - and to make use of these strategies soothe and reassure those we love.

Because - after all - you are more than you think you are!

In this spirit, I want to invite you to work together to get clear on your direction, get unstuck, overcome obstacles and live a meaningful and fulfilling life!
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