There Are Two Great Days In A Person's Life -
              The Day We Are Born And ...
                               The Day We Discover Why
 Live A Meaningful 
And Fulfilling Life You Love


There Are Two Great Days

In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

 Live A Meaningful 

And Fulfilling Life You Love


Dieter Langenecker 
Modern Elder 
Humanistic Counselor 
(Meaning, Inner Peace, Wisdom)

There Are Two Great Days In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

      Live A Life You Love


Tell me a bit about yourself. Where you're from, what you do.

And if you've got a particular challenge which is blocking you to define or live your meaningful life purpose, tell me about it and I'll do my very best to give you some ideas.

I've worked with literally hundreds of people - so chances are I'll have seen something that might be able to help you.

Best regards,
Dieter Langenecker

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