On Purpose

Have you ever wondered why some people, despite the challenges they face, their limited educational backgrounds, limited access to resources and seemingly insurmountable challenges turn out to be more successful than their educated counterparts with privileged backgrounds?
Have you ever wondered how they are able to start from scratch, from nothing, with nothing and attain staggering heights of success that their privileged counterparts can only dream about? The answer is simple – they had a different mind-set. It is not the facts or challenges that face us that are important; rather it is the choices we make and the mind-set we choose to have in spite of those challenges that determine success or failure.
I frankly believe that success has little to do with lucky breaks and far more to do with the mind-set of the individual; while I do admit that many a successful people had been in the right place at the right time; I will contend that majority of those who achieved success often started off with very little and “made their own luck” by having the right mind-set, commitment, discipline and hard work. The catch however is that often times, the right mind-set, the commitment and the hard work that yield success just don’t turn up on their own; something else has to bring them alive and that is a sense of purpose.
Developing a sense of purpose has the potential to be a powerful game changer. Taking the time to find out what our purpose is can save us years of misery and failed attempts and propel us towards true success much faster. I often find that when people have not determined their true purpose, they often go from one goal to another without really achieving anything concrete. It is purpose that aligns all of our thoughts, decisions and actions and creates that powerful focal point at which all of our energies can be directed.
A purpose is not simply a mere goal such owning a bigger house, a business, taking a trip overseas etc. A purpose is a goal so big that when it is achieved or in the process of achieving it, it not only changes your own life, but it positively impacts the lives of those around you. An example of such a purpose is leaving behind a legacy that will change the lives of those to come after you, your grandkids for example. I know it sounds like a lofty ideal, given that many of us are caught in survival mode, day in day out with little time to think of ourselves not to mention descendants – but you see therein lies the problem. Unless our lives mean something far greater than us and unless we are aiming for something far greater than ourselves, we will forever remain focused on the small picture.
Many make the mistake of thinking of their businesses or careers as their purpose. By viewing the business or career as the ultimate goal, we place a limit on the potential of that business and ourselves. However, by viewing our business or career as a vehicle to fulfill our greater purpose, suddenly our vision becomes expanded and everything takes on a much bigger picture. The business or career stops becoming the ultimate goal and become a cog in a much larger wheel. By creating a purpose far greater than ourselves, we raise the expectations for our lives and as a consequence, our efforts, beliefs rise in line with those expectations.


So, what is your purpose? Why are you here?


With kind regards, 
Dieter Langenecker
   Dieter Langenecker
PS: If you want personal support in uncovering and implementing your life’s purpose visit  Personal Mentoring
PPS. For free resources go here

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