We have just had the third part of our series Your People but then, it does not end there. And why not? Human resources is, after all, an organization’s greatest asset. Fathom that while management is about technicalities, leadership is about people. Oh yes, I heard you… Vision. But then, vision involves steering your organization, your people to a higher level.
“We desperately need… a national and global economy in which people act not only as consumers but as citizens, in which workers reassert their responsibility for themselves and the success of their companies.” – Hillary Clinton
See? The foundation of a great company lies on how well it handles its people. You know that… unfortunately, not all knows how to bring out the best in their people.
People in your company should not be taken for granted, but nurtured and cared for. They are your internal customers. They bring in the business for you. They make customers happy enough to make them come back for more, thus, helping spread the good word about your company’s products and services. Your people are your company’s ambassadors of goodwill, the direct extension of your office, of your company.
Catch them doing right even for minor tasks rather than finding faults.
Be broadminded. Allow for some mistakes from your employees. Help them realize that failure is not so bad but can be part of growing. Understand that committing a mistake is normal so long as one learns from it and does not repeat it.
One way to “exploit, reverse and maximize” on this is by investing in the hiring, training and development of your employees, bottoms up and across other functional areas of the company.
“Companies die because their managers focus on the economic activity of producing goods and services, and they forget that their organization’s true nature is that of a community of humans.”
~ Arie De Geus
With that, look for hidden talents of employees that might have been overlooked. Encourage them to perform tasks they’re smart enough of doing.
Apply positive strokes, words of encouragement, and a healthy working environment. Cheer for your employees so they are encouraged to go beyond what is required of them. Help ordinary employees deliver extraordinary results.
Lastly, if possible, make public announcements like press releases about outstanding performances of employees. Like artists and musicians, employees need an applause after a good performance.
Sounds simple? So, have you?
“Growing your seeds starts with recognizing the seed then doing what it takes to nurture it to its full potential.”
Jesse Domingo