“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” -John De Paola

Sometimes life can seem like a giant race in which we’re all chasing happiness through goals and to-do lists. No sooner than you complete one task, three spring up in it’s place. There’s hardly any time to appreciate the present–not when there’s always more to achieve, create or gain.

While most of us find happiness through commitment to a purpose, there is a middle road between discontentment and complacence. It is possible to maintain forward momentum and still notice, appreciate and enjoy what you have with a sense of peace and stillness.

Much of what you’re chasing is already available in the moment, exactly as it is.

You don’t have to spend your hours, like currency that will get you something you want. At any time, you can simply enjoy where you are. Make that time today, whether it’s a minute, an hour, or an afternoon. Take a break from striving and make time to want what you have.


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