If you are on vacation right now have yourself a glass of wine -otherwise a cappuccino – and enjoy! And let me know how you like it:
Why can Steve McQueen jump the high wood fence on his motorcycle but we can’t escape from a bad relationship, change jobs, start a business, or lose 20 pounds?
Find the answer here: Escape
Perfectionism is a way of closing off and controlling things. It may look pretty on the outside but in reality it’s cold, isolated and dark. It’s the cracks that let the light in, anyway. So, go on and ease up a bit.
Let some light in and shine on! Perfectionism
“Our mission in life should be to make a positive difference, not to prove how smart we are or how right we are.” (Peter Drucker)
Pausing allows you to take a beat – to take a breath in your life. As everybody else is rushing around like a lunatic out there, I dare you to do the opposite. Pause
Make everything ok 🙂 : The Magic Button
Smile, breathe and go slowly,
Dieter Langenecker
PS: Did I already mention “Life Mastery”? Get a free mentoring session at www.langenecker.com/lifemastery.html ? Oh, I already did mention it? Sorry, I guess I did it again.